I got a BIG BIG LESSON from this film.
5 February 2007
One thing is clear. Until i met a great educational flick called 'House Of The Dead' by Dr. Uwe Boll, there had been not a single film that i decided stop watching in the middle of viewing. Yes i mean it. I never quit a movie in the middle of watching it no matter how it sucks or bores because i'm a type of guy who is over-patient and likes the phrase "it ain't over til it's over". Once i play a movie, then i finish it by all means, only unless inevitable things happen and force me to quit it in the middle. That was basic cinema-watching attitude of mine for 30 years.

And then suddenly, one day about a year ago, i happened to meet this great educational flick and it broke my history just like a revolution. I played it, and Jesus can you believe, i quit and ran exactly at 40 minutes without any special situations or reasons.

Yogi, i'm afraid you're wrong. Something must be over before it's over...

That's not only thing that i learned from this great educational flick. I admit that i generally tend to ignore (or intentionally skip) others' reviews or comments on some films which i've not seen yet, and especially for majority of opinions i don't care for them at all. Yes it's just like "I don't listen to anybody before viewing it myself and valuating is just mine"..... But with this great educational flick, i learned that sometimes i need to be more open to others' WARNINGS at least.

After all, this film had such huge educational effects on me and i can't help giving it 10/10 for it.
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