Rocky Balboa (2006)
Don't believe the hype, a big disappointment!!!!
20 January 2007
Rocky Balboa (2006) was a movie i was so looking forward to, i'm a massive fan of the Rocky series, as most males are, but after coming out of the cinema, i felt empty and disappointed with this movie.

This Rocky film is very slow paced, with loads of scenes of Rocky having flashbacks and memories of Adrian and loads of pointless scenes of him in his restaurant telling his old stories!! The whole movie is a build up to his big fight with current unbeaten champion Mason Dixon (Tarver), Rocky decides to bring himself out of retirement after seeing a computer fight pitting himself against Dixon, with him winning the fight!! One of the movies problems is they didn't build up the Dixon character at all, he was flat and boring, he wasn't a ruthless killing machine that made Drago so good in Rocky IV, he was weak to be honest, with Tarver being a real life boxer, his acting abilities were always gonna be limited! and finally we get to the fight itself, which had afew good moments, but generally it was a 10 round slapfest, one of the worst fights of the whole Rocky series to be honest, with a highly disappointing outcome too!! The rating of 7.6 on here is very generous in my opinion, i give Rocky Balboa 5/10 and thats being kind, where was all the action and drama Stallone???
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