Watch. This. Movie.
31 December 2006
I've heard a lot of people say this movie was cheesy or corny or whatever. It's a kid's movie! It's gonna be corny at some parts! I saw this movie first time aged eight. I still love it! It's totally awesome. Totally unrealistic, but movies aren't supposed to be realistic. I do think though, that you have to like skateboarding to like this movie. Call it inspiration to a kid who can't skate. It's a cool movie though, and if you're not over...say, 12-13, you should definitely watch it. Heck, watch it anyway! What kid doesn't love to dream the impossible plausible? I know I'll get a lot of criticism for this comment, but if you're not looking for an award winning movie with a way mature plot, then The Skateboard Kid 2 is definitely a good movie. Way better than Skateboard Kid 1, kind of like an early version of Airborne if you've seen that. See it if you haven't. Call me on it if you regret it.
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