Review of 300

300 (2006)
Fantastic comic novel brought to screen
24 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw 300 as the last movie of a 24 hour film festival and Zack Snyder, the director showed up for a Q&A. The movie was 99% completed and was evident in the some of the CGI. Still, the movie was visually stunning..from the battle scenes (especially the one with the rhino) to the physiques of the Spartans. In fact, the Spartan abs were so defined that I thought they were part of the CGI until someone asked the director about it.

Snyder kept the movie adaptation close to the comic book but added a subplot of King Leonides wife trying to get political support to send more troops to aid the battle. Gerard Butler did a great job as the king and had the screen presence to make you believe that he could really rally 300 of his best soldiers to fight till death against an overwhelming Persian army. Queen Gorgo was depicted as a strong character and the King loved and respected her which the women audience will appreciate. And the pace of the movie is pretty fast. It was over before I knew it, and I had been up all night! Highly recommend it.
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