Casino Royale (2006)
Craig rules... any question?
12 December 2006
James Bond movies... since 1960s they have been faithfully delivering every aspects of popular entertainment in proper measures. Some of them are above average, some fell short. Still, in the end, you can predict the ingredients of a typical Bond movie - foolish political outback, advanced gadgets, Bond girls and sex scenes, gambling, some gunfighting, some physical actions, one "Bond, James Bond" comment, one "martini, shaken not stirred" comment etc etc. Then why so much interest about Casino Royale?

One is definitely Daniel Craig. The man's serious alright. This guy excludes all those air of funny sarcasm out of Bond's persona. And that overplayed sophestication of Pearce Brosnan too. Craig's Bond is thuggishly powerful, passionate, sometimes naive with a definite tinge of working-class diligence. He is more human. Now you not only appreciate James Bond... you 'feel' for him when he's beaten or betrayed, like I bet you've never done before.

The other is the director and screenwriter's calculated use of clichés and adding few changes... which perfectly fits the story and the mood. So at one place Bond says he doesn't even care about his martini shaken or stirred. Even the signature Bond tune is absent throughout the film except for the end credits. And I wouldn't spoil you the other changes but they bring definitely a fresh air to the franchise.

I love Eva Green. Here she's again with her mysterious appearance and magical presence. I must say that she's an excellent casting choice for this role.

Oh... I was about to end but one more thing: Chris Cornell rocks with his "You know my name"... one of the best Bond songs ever.
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