Silly Camp
28 October 2006
I had heard that this was a controversial film, brutal, terrible, the worst film ever made, etc. Usually I stay away from slasher, violence for violence sake films and figured this was in that category, so I had no interest in it. Then I got a copy for free and thought, okay, let's see what this is all about. It was so laughable, reminding me of many of the pornos made back during that period (the 1970's). A simple, linear story with the details and dialog probably being "written" as they were shooting with their one (maybe two!) unsophisticated cameras. Not one talented individual in the bunch, direction, camera work, and the acting so badly over the top and ludicrous that you can't possibly take this movie even remotely seriously. It's a silly, campy film but you can tell that they were trying to sincerely do a real horror/revenge film, so I give them high marks for effort. It's the kind of shallow, vapid entertainment that the shallow, vapid high school boys used to enjoy over a few beers and bong hits in the drive-ins back when it was made. I could see how someone might list it as a guilty pleasure: it's rather mindless, primitive, and ridiculously clichéd enough to have the same guilty pleasure one would get from an off color joke. I found the movie so ho-hum that I realized the "controversy" was more absurd than the film itself. Were feminists really outraged by this moronic offering? Did Roger Ebert really call this "the worst film ever made"? (Wouldn't surprise me actually, he's recommended enough real dogs that I think he's become, or always has been, an out of touch ivory tower cinephile who overvalues his own opinions and the general b.s. of the movie world.) It's not realistic in the least bit, so how can you be offended? It's a little like watching "South Park" and thinking that the characters are evil children. They're cartoons, people, a parody, satire, even farce if you will, but hardly reality. I place this silly film in that same category. If what people are offended by are the IDEAS behind the film: brutal rape, wanton revenge then I think what they're really talking about is a desire to enforce their own brand of censorship. True, violence and rape are unpleasant and nothing I care to indulge as entertainment, nor do I watch so-called "normal" television shows that preach a much subtler form of barbaric brutality, often touted and socially accepted as wholesome entertainment, even comedy. But I do not believe they should be censored. Censoring does not stop people from thinking, believing and acting in any specific way. I don't enjoy watching these movies and shows, I don't particularly like them, I think they're a sad indicator of what brutes most people really are despite our facades of civilizations, but if I don't like them I TURN THEM OFF. Very simple. If you want to get angry, get angry at the real brutality that goes on a constant basis virtually everywhere in this hard world. But getting upset over this nonsense? Come on, get real.
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