Review of Lock Up

Lock Up (1989)
27 September 2006
Sylvester Stallone stars as model prisoner who is given the grand tour of hell from Donald Sutherland. Seems Sutherland is ticked off at Sly Stallone for escaping from his prison and ruining his career, after unsuccessfully goading him into bad behavior that would make him stay longer in prison, a war is waged between prisoner and the warden. Lock-Up actually manages to be a fairly engaging effort from Sly Stallone. Sure the movie has its excessive melodrama but typically the movie works for what it sets out to be and in the end the prison mood is adequately drawn and the supporting characters are well drawn by the excellent supporting cast. (Tom Sizemore, Frank McRae,Sonny Landham and the effortlessly likable John Amos) In other words this is a decent movie and well worth watching for fans of Sylvester Stallone. It certainly is more watchable than Tango and Cash.

* *1/2 out of 4-(Pretty good)
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