Over rated. Good, but come on, not great.
15 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I file this one just above that silly wine movie a couple years ago, the one every pretentious person liked but was shot like crap? I disliked it so much that I forgot the name...

I really wanted to like this movie more than I did. I like the actors. But there's no way those people were from the same family, and frankly, the story was contrived and derivative.

It was basically National Lampoon's Vacation but without the wally world. Even the dead relative, the falling apart of the family car.

Just updated for the new "hollywood view" of family that closely resembles an actor's or director's screwed up life, but not so much "fly over" country.

Not to mention the whole "everyone's life can fall apart within 24 hours" cliché.

But the moral was a good one, and there were a couple, and only a couple, truly funny parts, so it has that going for it.
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