Back to the Future - the only '80s movie that's completely...timeless!
11 July 2006
I love the original movie, so don't get me wrong, but I have a special thing for really cool looking futuristic things. Especially if they're made out to look really interesting like in this sequel.

The story is still very good, the characters are still lovable and have some great lines, and the ending is superb even if it leaves you wanting for a little more. Interchanging between this movie and the last (even the next) were great twists and turns, probably still the best achievement i've seen properly executed in a film to date.

While the original is probably an eleven on my scale now, this one used to be my all time favorite one in the BTTF trilogy. And there's still a whole lot to love about this movie, even the kids today will probably appreciate how much fun this movie is even with all the flash and more advanced CG effects they have in their movies today.
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