Not great but I feel Lawrence's character.
26 May 2006
Now let me start by saying I don;t condone racism in any way shape or form against any race, but I actually feel where Martin's character is coming from.

As much as I hate to say it, in some instances there are sometimes where one race is thought to be doing something illegal when he actually isn't.

I can vividly remember when I brought my new car some months ago. I was stopped. I am a black man myself.

This policeman actually said to me, 'this looks like a stolen car.' I quipped back, 'Excuse me officer but can you tell me what a stolen car looks like? I didn;t know you could recognize one from seeing it on the street.' Then, he goes ' do you have any drugs or weapons on you?' Where the heck did that one come from? And your reason for this suspicion is? So here I am out of my own car with my hands on the hood and going through papers trying to prove to this guy this was my car. Finally when he runs a check he eases off.

So I've been there done that.

This wasn't a great comedy but not unbearable.
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