Evil Dead: Regeneration (2005 Video Game)
Great fun, but way too short
19 April 2006
I'm a huge fan of the Evil Dead movies, but I'd never got around to playing the games, mostly due to the fact that I used to be more of a Gamecube kind of guy. So when I finally did get a PS2, this was the first game I bought, and I loved it. Nobody is cooler than Bruce Campbell as Ash, throwing one liners and bad jokes like they were confetti. His newly added sidekick is somewhat amusing, but gets annoying fast. The gameplay is very repetitive, but still pretty fun. The bosses aren't very hard, but they look awesome and have some cool attacks. The ending left me disappointed, but to avoid spoilers I wont go into why. Overall it's a pretty fun game. It has it's flaws, but fun and not too challenging.
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