The dumbest Bond plot of all.
9 April 2006
Bond fakes his death to become a ninja and stop SPECTRE from profiting from WWIII after a series of space-jackings. What the hell? There's not many actions scenes. Sure there's the helicopter dogfight and a couple of chases. But not much else. Women are objects, fisticuffs are plentiful and plot developments hokey.

YOLT has not a chance in hell of being taken seriously. I mean what's the deal with that big metal space shark that gobbles up US and Soviet rockets? The physics of it coming back down to earth standing straight up are laughable. And of course, the bad guy lair just HAS to be in an active/inactive volcano. And nobody knows it's there even though it must have taken a million men and 86 gillion parts to build. But never mind about that.

Like before, the finale has all of Blofeld's men (that's the ORIGINAL Dr. Evil for all you kiddies) dressed in the same colored outfit fight the good guys, who are dressed in a different colored outfit. So it's really easy for brain-dead audiences to tell who's winning amid the incredibly fake fighting and blowing up.

Between the mind, short-lived and sporadic action scenes, Bond does loads of plodding around, investigating, making minor discoveries. Not much excites or interests.

It does have pretty photography and some nice scenery. But, in my opinion, it's a below average Bond adventure.
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