Snow Cake (2006)
2 April 2006
i just went to see this film in the Belfast film festival. it was possibly one of the most beautiful films i have ever seen. as a self confessed Rickman obsessive i was always going to see the film but i was not a fan of ms weaver therefore was not expecting an amazing experience. i was so wrong. ms weaver has produced one of the most amazing performances i have ever seen in a film. i place it in line with Liam Neeson in Schindler's list, Russel crow in a beautiful mind and of course in rain man the amazing Dustin Hoffman. she is just amazing. i cried and laughed comfortably in her situations and i did not feel at any stage that this was a cheap imitation and mockery of a person suffering form autism. i just couldn't believe it. Alan Rickman was of course his amazing self. his presence on the screen always pleases me no matter what he is in. this film however was again different from any other. unlike the usual Rickman character of which you can expect sarcasm such as in love actually or close my eyes and a deviousness such as harry potter or robin hood , or even a warm loving character such as colonel Brandon.this time we are presented with an all round character in which Mr Rickman's talents shine unbelievably and i believe that you can see a contentedness in his acting. the character is lovable, curious, devious, hilarious, sentimental and of course understandable. his actions are understood by all. the scenery in the film was amazing and the music sublime. the atmosphere was just perfect for a film with such hard hitting lessons. the meaningful statements from the deceased Vivianne and the innocent and wise statements from Linda are truly memorable and made me think. instead of leaving the cinema with an over powering sense of wow and over the top excitement usually collected from a Hollywood motion picture such as in a false star wars or lord of the rings, i left with a sense of questioning and self analysis. i felt comfortable to stay silent in thought and express little of my emotions. i did not feel the need to over emphasise its greatness until i had thought about it thorough;y.

anyone who reads this. please please please please go see snow cake if it is on near you as this amazing movie needs and deserves complete recognition form all of us fellow film viewers.

totally amazing!!
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