Terror and action with an excellent Antonio Banderas battling killer marauders
27 March 2006
In the Dark Ages , AD 922 Ahmad Ibn (Antonio Banderas) an Arab nobleman is banished by a wrong love to the Barbaric north . On his way he encounters Turks in Central Asia and Russian and Varangians (Volga Vikings) . As a diplomatic person he meets an experienced Arab (Omar Sharif) and befriends a group of Vikings Norsemen (Vladimir Kulich,Dennis Storhoi..) returning their homeland . Shortly after , he is enlisted to battle a mysterious evil force, creatures of the mist (though never explains who the ravenous-hunger "mist monsters" actually are and in the novel, they were the descendants of the Neanderthals) attacking by night as supernatural head-cutters (Wendol) and devouring human flesh that threaten the village existence .

This epic movie initially titled ¨Eaters of the dead¨and subsequently ¨The 13th Warrior¨ begins with a real sense of wonder and surprise and winding up with continuous struggles against the body eaters . The picture packs great loads of action , special effects abundant , horror , breathtaking combats and a little bit of gore and blood . Based on the historic character : Ahmed Ibn Fadlan who traveled as an emissary to the land of the Volga Bulgars to convert them to Islam , he returned in 923, and no record after this date refers to him. Stunning battles scenes illuminate the full-blown adventure with a plethora of engaging action set pieces on the combats in which the heads and limbs are slice off here and there and everywhere while other parts of body are slit open . The movie was slated to be released as "Eaters of the Dead" in 1998, after the film was considered unwatchable during test screenings , then Michael Crichton took over the project , and he made some important changes .

The film gets an impressive control of the crowd scenarios with a climatic and overwhelming finale battle . Exceptional and colorful cinematography shot in Canadian outdoors by Peter Menzies . Musical score by the veteran composer Jerry Goldsmith is extraordinary and spectacular . However , Graeme Revell had composed a complete original score , but Revell's original soundtrack was scorned , and brought in Jerry Goldsmith to rescore the movie . The film is based on Michael Chricton's (also producer) novel :¨Eaters of the dead¨ inspired by medieval poem ¨Beowulf ¨ and the authentic travel realized by a scout Arab towards Northland . The film was shelved during years for disagreement among director (McTiernan) and producer (Chricton) . The motion picture was beautifully executed with phenomenal production design (Wolf Kroeger) and well directed by John McTiernan . The flick will appeal to adventures cinema buffs and Antonio Banderas fans . Rating : 7.5/10 . Above average . Well worth seeing for numerous action battle scenes which have you on the edge of your seat.
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