One of the worst films I have ever seen!
28 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this last night (I'm in the process of adding all the Focus Features films to my collection and my wife and I both like Gretchen Mol), what a huge disappointment.

This is quite possibly one of the worst 10 films I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot of films. The acting is atrocious, nothing redeeming at all, maybe Mol and Weisz. I blame most of this on the author, he just never gives them anything intelligent to say. Rudd's acting was awful and Weller's a complete joke.

For those claiming at least the ending was surprising, give me a break! You could see this one coming a mile away. The scene in the doctors office waiting for the nose job was the last straw.

This movie was painful to watch.

Also, I don't like when reviewers who have a 'vested interest' in those involved with the movie, bombard us with their biased opinions.

Avoid at all costs, trust me. If I had only one word to describe this movie, it "SUCKED".

George -bub
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