Black Dawn (2005 Video)
A pretty neat Seagal thriller, less filler, but not without flaws.
14 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've just finished watching this movie, and i've gotta admit, that it's a pretty good movie. It actually feels like a real movie (unlike the jokey and cobbled together affair that was 'Today You Die', and more importantly, Seagal seems to be enjoying himself, whilst not forgetting the mood of the piece.

At first, the idea of making a sequel to 'The Foreigner' didn't appeal to me, but 'Black Dawn' ups the action stakes a little, and isn't as complicated. Seagal returns as 'Johnathan Cold', who finds his latest employer is dealing with some pretty bad terrorists, intent of blowing up half of America. Being a freelance is one thing, but killing innocent people, forces the 'stout sensei' to rethink his game-plan, and stop the terrorists (in usual Seagal fashion.)

Unlike other recent Seagal movies, this one doesn't have much filler, so it's more simply plotted. The performances and actors are fine, the direction is free of the rapid cutting techniques (that have ruined some Seagal movies of late) and it has a pretty good truck chase sequence.

Now to the bad aspects. I don't (and never would) expect Seagal to be doing 'ninja-backflips' but the fight doubles are un-needed (surely, he still has the speed?) and one fight double (near the end, in a building stairway) is horrendous (the guy, even from behind looks nothing like Seagal, he even has a different coloured coat, hair style, etc) and some of the Blue-screen Cgi work is poor (without having to be) The helicopter sequence near the end has some pathetic opticals (surely, no effects company could charge people money for this work?)

But these minor gripes aside, 'Black Dawn' is a pretty straightforward action picture, that moves along at a nice pace. Seagal performs all his own dialogue (an unfortunate plus, in recent movies) and like i've said, no pretentious 'filler' plot, to further complicate matters. I'd be more than willing to see Seagal continue this character, as long as he puts more effort into his abilities that got him noticed in the first place.....i.e, amazing aikido!

All in all, a good movie (hampered, but not spoilt) by rushed/poor technical aspects. Good to see (producer) Andrew Stevens play a cameo, as the guard at the institute (he should have bigger roles, as i've always found him a likable performer)

Big Lee gives this pretty good movie 8 out of 10
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