Wolf Creek (2005)
Destined to be a genre favorite
12 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Three young vacationers are traveling through Australia visiting landmarks and such. One of their most anticipated stops is an ancient meteorite crater park called "Wolf Creek." After enjoying the sights the group prepares to leave, but can't start the car. Their watches have also stopped and a strange, almost supernatural, unease rests in on them. They nervously wait until a kindly stranger comes by and tows them to his house and offers to fix their car - for free. However, they soon find out that this "kindly stranger" isn't so kind at all.

The resulting film is a well done tense and tense horror story. Like many other films to come out of Australia the main story element here is the land and its mystery and as each character tries to escape they are literally swallowed up by the land. The open endedness that the film presents is it's main strength - it can be seen as a metaphor for hell, the personification of true hopelessness, and a regular horror film viewer will be able to draw and appreciate many other things from it. Also much like the recent "Haute Tension" from France, the film is told in practically real-time as each character tries to desperately climb out of their horrifying situation and figure out what is going on, but primarily they just want to get the hell out of there.

From a blunt point of view this is a slasher version of "Picnic at Hanging Rock" - creepy landscape feature with weird occurrences going around about it and all sorts of myths, but that doesn't make this little scare-fest not worth seeing. It is very well done, well acted, and very tense throughout. The final shot is particularly enigmatic and chilling. The film's only real weakness it that it is for strictly for horror fans, other steer clear. 7/10

Rated R: brutal ruthless violence, and profanity
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