Review of Æon Flux

Æon Flux (2005)
They must have payed Chung an insane amount of $$$$
23 December 2005
I tried my best to avoid this movie purely from what i saw in the trailer being a avid fan of the "Original" series where there was no dialogue as well as the Series where plot took more precedence....... but i indulged figuring if nothing else 7$ would be worth the eye candy

First things first....The casting director is shooting in the dark as far as I'm concerned Why would they not make Jonny Lee Miller "Trevor" i think both look-wise "Hackers" for instance (looks waaaay more like Goodchild in the series)

and acting ability alone he was the perfect candidate and the fact that he was even in this movie and not Trevor but his lamebrain brother who they fabricated out of mid-air is a insult whoever did the casting for the film obviously hasn't seen or respected the series I'm not even going to go into Aeon as anyone who knows... there are a insane amount of flaws about her.. I feel Theron took the role for the $$

Second... one of my favorite things about the actual series not the shorts were the monologues of Trevor's giving him method to his madness and the metaphors that lied within the series itself not to mention the sexual tension of Aeon who was a actual Dominatrix in the series and Trevor... a cat and mouse game of tease tag if you will they both had power just in different facets and Chung really played with that idea in a genius way if you ask me

this film is utter spoon-fed trite digestible for the "Matrix" generation

Adding proper names to characters does not justify completely rewriting and abusing a series of exceptional quality the likes that come along once in a blue moon in the watered down age

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