22 December 2005
White is a Polish film in Polish and French with English subtitles. The film is the second series in the Three Colours trilogy which started with the film Blue and ends with Red. The film takes place in France where a man named Karol Karol whose wife Dominique just divorced him. To make matters work Karol's bank account is frozen and he has no money and no place to go. In the subway he meets a man named Mikolaj who helps him get back to his homeland of Poland. Karol eventually gets there, but not the way he planned on. Once he gets to Poland some friends help him get back on his feet and establish himself. Soon he is doing fine, but is still upset over what Dominique did to him. So with some more help he plans a scheme of revenge to get back at her. Winner of The Silver Berlin Bear for Best Director (Krzysztof Kieslowski, who also co-wrote the film) at The Berlin International Film Festival. White has good direction, a good script, good performances by the entire cast, good original music and good cinematography. White is a very interesting film. From where it started off in the beginning I had no idea how it would end or what would happen next. It kept me following the movie eagerly waiting to see what happened next. It is a very smart and sharp story and the acting and great direction make this film really stand out as well. This film is in no ways similar to Blue, the previous film in the series and I really admire the director for making two totally different films that each work really well. I really loved White because of it's sharp script and because it kept me compelled and interested and I really did not know how it was going to turn out. After these two great films I'm looking forward to completing the series by watching Red. Judging by what I thought of Blue and White, I'm sure I'm going to like Red very much as well.
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