Girl Shy (1924)
Good Comedy & Frantic Finale, With A Good Character For Lloyd
22 December 2005
This is an enjoyable feature with some good comedy and a good role for Harold Lloyd, giving him plenty of opportunities to show his athleticism and his slapstick skills while developing his character at the same time. The story follows the reliable pattern of pleasant light comedy as the plot takes shape, followed by an extended race-against-time sequence for the finale.

Lloyd's character is easy to sympathize with, despite his flaws and mistakes, and his stuttering and other habits help to make the character work. It's easy to identify with both his shyness and his overly-optimistic dreams, even when the character is completely self-deluded. Jobyna Ralston is effective as the gentle young rich woman, and their relationship's ups and downs are believably portrayed.

The pace is deliberate for the most part, until everything is set up for the climactic sequence. Lloyd gets to do some impressive stunts, and there are a lot of interesting details. One notable feature is that Harold makes use of almost every conceivable form of conveyance available at the time, which adds to the effect.

As is usual for a Lloyd feature, there are a lot of visual details here and there that often set off the main action nicely. The main character is just enough different from Lloyd's best-known roles to make him interesting yet largely familiar. The story is told effectively, with a couple of recurring visual references that work well in wordlessly conveying the characters' thoughts. The romance, comedy, and action make for an entertaining mix.
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