Review of The Haunting

The Haunting (1963)
Not impressed...
15 November 2005
While the movie is visually quite inventive, overall it is a big disappointment. I'm really shocked by the gushing of virtually all reviewers, most of whom I'm assuming saw it at a young age, possibly when it first came out.

To start, the weakest aspect is Julie Harris' character, who I would agree stands as one of the most irritating leads of all time. This is compounded by the unfortunate choice of making her thoughts audible, which rarely do more than repeat the obvious, in the "wow, I'm really scared and what am I doing here" mode--hey, thanks for filling us in on that! Lastly, absolutely nothing happens for the entire movie! I enjoy slow build-ups, but that is all this movie has to offer. Visually creative, but stick with Psycho or Rosemary's Baby for good examples of '60's horror films...
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