Review of Soul Survivor

Strange Luck: Soul Survivor (1995)
Season 1, Episode 1
The Best Shows on TV Never Find An Audience!!
14 November 2005
I remember the first time I saw an episode of this excellent show - I was taking a TV class in college and our teacher had us watch it because of the unique way the show told its stories - one of the early examples of breaking out of the box of "this is your good guy, this is your bad guy, this is your good guy outwitting your bad guy" formula story lines.

The gist of the show was that the protagonist, played by D.B. Sweeney, never wanted to get involved in the investigations he wound up in - it all just happened to him. In essence, his everyday was like a Rube Goldberg existence where the strangest things would occur, most of which made no sense, until the episode was nearing its ending - then, suddenly everything had a purpose and led him to solving the crime! I have fond memories watching this show with my wife (then girlfriend) on Friday nights at her house. It was a really fun show that never took itself too seriously. Unfortunately, Friday night is "death-night" for TV (see also FIREFLY). The show just couldn't find its audience - and furthermore, even at the end of its run the writers were already showing signs of running out of ideas.

But, I would snap up any future DVD of the show in a heartbeat!
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