Not terrible, but...
27 September 2005
To answer the previous reviewer, as far as I know this film is not "officially" available on DVD, though you can get it from a source or two I know; the catch is its not going to the plain film. This and two other films by Aleksandr Ptushko have been goofed on by the MST3K team (Ep. 422 for The Day the Earth Froze, the other two I'm not sure) headed by Joel Hodgeson and the other original cast members. To each his own, but even as a fantastic epic its, well, I don't think this film did very well in its American release. This film is much better as a gag piece for the MST3K team. Eve Kivi (Vallatud Kurvid), the actress who played Annikki, was a beautiful woman at the time this film was produced, I happened upon this site searching her name on the net to see what became of her. A Sampo, btw, is a Finnish version of our Horn of Plenty myth, except it also supplies gold, not just food.
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