Just about one of the worst Disney video sequels you'll ever see
27 September 2005
It's just shameful what Disney has resorted to recently. "The Hunchback of Notre Dame II" is one of these such atrocities. The animation is lazy and uninspired. The plot is insulting. The songs are just plain lame. The movie is marketed solely upon its stars rather than its quality.

Kevin Kline, Demi Moore, Jessica Love Hewitt, Jason Alexander and Haley Joel Osment (recorded when he was nine, released years later after he became famous) all sell out to the evil forces of Disney by lending their vocal talents to an uninspired mess in which the Hunchback of Notre Dame falls in love with a sweet girl, much to the chagrin of the Evil Bad Guy.


Look, Disney, we don't need any more of your lame-o "made for video" sequels. "Made for video" is synonymous for "crap." No one wants to watch crap so just go away.
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