Review of Martin

Martin (1977)
This little seen genuine film is the best work from George A. Romero.
26 August 2005
Martin (John Amplas) is a misunderstood young man, who is also a rapist and a murderer towards young woman or anyone gets in his way. Martin thinks, he lived the life of a vampire before. He has a few problems with his eyes. He creates a illusion or that could be from his pass life, when he starts out as a vampire. But he's craving for blood towards young woman but he has problems with his cousin or it could be his uncle Cuda (Lincoln Maazel), who believes in the family curses of vampires.

Written & Directed by George A. Romero (Bruiser, Creepshow, The Dark Half) made an original horror drama with an dark sense of humor. This is one of Romero's best and it is also Romero's most personal film.

DVD from Lions Gate Entertainment. DVD has an good anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer and an fine digitally remastered-Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD has an new and fun commentary track by the writer/director:Romero, Producer:Richard P. Rubinstein, Make-Up Effects Artist:Tom Savini, Director of Cinematography:Michael Gornick and Music Composer:Donald Rubinstein. DVD also has an making of a featurette, new photo gallery, original t.v. spots and original trailer.

The original DVD from Anchor Bay Entertainment, which it's now out of print. DVD has an fine Pan & Scan (1.33:1) transfer and an good-Dolby 2.0 Mono Sound. DVD has an excellent commentary track by Romero, Savini and actor:Amplas, original trailer and collector's booklet. Romero gives his most interesting film yet, this has an unusual premise with tongue in cheek humor. Romero comments in the commentary that his first cut runs 165 minutes but that cut is missing. The European Version of Martin has been re-edited with an new music score by The Goblins (Dawn of the Dead, Suspiria). Romero appears in a funny cameo as a Priest!, Christine Forrest Romero (The Director's Wife) appears in a supporting role, Tom Savini appears in a bit part. Amplas gives an excellent performance. Maazel is also very good in the film. Producer:Rubinstein appears in a cameo. Director of Cinematography:Gornick can be heard as the Radio Talk Show Host. This is an unusual and an unique film from the talented independent horror filmmaker. (**** ½/*****).
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