surreal yes, but not all that interesting or funny
14 July 2005
This is an odd little film about some people who never do get to sit down to the meal they plan on having. A lot of weird and unexpected stuff intervenes--during which you learn a little more about the characters (particularly how unlikeable some of them are). The problem I had with the movie is this--it just wasn't very interesting and I repeatedly felt like turning it off because I found it more boring than compelling. Now this is not because of the surreal nature of the film--I have a relatively high tolerance for the strange and unconventional (just look at my glowing review for the VERY surreal Happiness of Katakuris). It's just that strange as it was, it just wasn't too interesting nor was it weird enough to make that great an impression. I know it puts me in a very small minority, but most of the Luis Buñuel films I have seen were not that compelling--odd yes, but not particularly interesting. About the only one I really liked was the sad film "Tristan".

UPDATE: I've seen most of the director's films since I wrote this review. I did find several (other than "Tristan") that I really did like. However, I still think he had about as many hits as misses and feel he was a bit overrated. But, films like "Robinson Crusoe" and "The Young One" are indeed exceptional films.
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