Review of Event Horizon

Event Horizon (1997)
So brilliant its hard to believe Paul Anderson directed AVP.
5 July 2005
This is without a doubt one of the greatest horror films ever made! I wouldn't classify it as sci-fi even though it does pay homage (or some would say rip-off) to many of the greats, such as Alien and The Black Hole. This is a pure horror film and also has a b-movie charm. This is the kind of movie William Castle would be directing if he was still alive today, but much better! It is the best haunted house movie of the lot, but its set in a spaceship.

OK, the movie doesn't have the most complicated plot or character development, it works because of the atmosphere and Paul Anderson has pulled off a one-trick pony here. The atmosphere in this film is so friggin brilliant that you forget you're watching a movie and it physically affects you! James Cameron and Ridley Scott reached this level of brilliance in the Alien films and David Fincher with Seven.

I've seen this movie over 20 times. It is incredibly entertaining, with fine performances, amazing special FX, one of the best and creepy music scores ever, the best space production design ever, the best subwoofer explosions, the best cinematography, energetic and brilliant direction...I could go on....

It's also become a bit of a cult classic nowadays. I've loved the film since it was first released and every friend I show it to agrees and considers it a sleeper. It is also one of the only films I know that induces fear into the audience and provokes them to curse in awe. Every time my mates and I watch it, we are gobsmacked in its craziness! 10/10 - Easily in the top 10 horror films of all time! One of the most entertaining movies ever made. Paul Anderson has never surpassed this film and it will be the one he is remembered for.
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