To the Manor Born (1979–2007)
18 June 2005
Unfortunately, this is one of those series that portrays the English as being a nation of foppish aristocrats. We all know this is not the case - our country is, after all, the origin of the word 'chav' - and yet some of my American friends are calling this a 'true British sitcom,' etcetera.

This is a largely forgettable series that should appeal to the upper-middle classes and Tory voters. It focuses around Audrey Fforbes-Hamilton and the trials and tribulations of being so fantastically rich that you never need to do anything, besides being generally obnoxious and judgemental to everybody around you, and Richard DeVere, who is constantly being lampooned for his non-English heritage.

To The Manor Born shares The Royle Family's amazing variety for place and people, as well as its stereotypical portrayal of an English societal class, using its subject of upper class for 'comedic' racism and the development of inferiority complexes.

Having watched a good few episodes from the series, I find it to be unforgettable and often rather boring. It is suitable for background viewing, if you can stand Audrey's shrill voice.

I advise you to steer clear. An acquired taste for sure.
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