Osmosis Jones (2001)
hard to digest
5 June 2005
Frank (Bill Murray) falls victim to flu like symptoms after he eats an egg that has been in a monkey's mouth then on the ground. It's up to a white blood cell and an cold tablet to save the day. They find out it's not a flu, but the deadly new disease Thrax, who wants to kill Frank in 48 hours. Imagine "Lethal Weapon" crossed with "Fantastic Voyage", only mostly animated and dumbed down considerable and you'll know what this film is all about. Yawn inducing to adults, to intense for little kids, and not enough 'potty/puke' humor for teens. Farelly Brothers have struck out with this one. An obvious sore spot on an otherwise unblemished career. (thus far. I haven't seen "Fever Pitch", yet) Wait I'll just lay all the blame on that hack Marc Hyman instead.

My Grade: D

DVD Extras: Commentary by Animation Directors Piet Kroon and Tom Sito, Writer Marc Hyman and Producer Zak Penn ; "Frank's Gross Anatomy" Interactive Adventure; HBO First Look Behind-The-Scenes featurette (14 minutes); Voice Recording Sessions (5 minutes); Deleted Scenes (5 minutes, 49 seconds); and Theatrical Trailer

3 Easter Eggs: Go to the 'Theatrical Trailer' then highlight the "Gas Next Exit" sign for a bonus clip; select The Earl Of Hurl in the Frank's Gross Anatomy" and select "The Earl Of Hurl" highlight the Funny Bone for another clip; In Subtitles, go to the next page, DVD Credits then highlight Drix's head for an unused theatrical Trailer.
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