only saved by Henry Cele
8 May 2005
A group of tourists on safari in Africa are kidnapped by a self-styled guerrilla general (Henry Cele). Among the group are two Japanese businessmen on a quest for a lost Samurai ancestor and girl whose lover is a white hunter-cum-mercenary soldier. But the kidnap is a scam to enable an Arab in the group to meet with the general and arrange an arms deal. But lo! the lover is coming to save them all in true Crocodile Dundee-style! A strange mix of themes here - Japanese fighting, Stallone style ambushes in the forest, a compound full of prisoners with an elegant house nearby and John Saxon's weird shot at a middle Eastern accent. But strangest of all is Mr Cele's wardrobe - from Shaka style leopard skin outfits - one in a boudoir complete with beaded wig! - to dungarees and a straw hat as he tends his roses. But he looks best in his general's uniform and his striding walk could not be equalled for dignity and presence. Which is just as well as there's little else in this film to spark one's interest and is desperately heavy with 'meaningful' mood musac. Mr Cele alone tackles his role with a credible commitment, giving a saving grace to an otherwise classically B minus movie. It's only worth watching his performance so fast forward the rest!
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