Review of Titanic

Titanic (1997)
Tepid and generic
2 May 2005
OK, this is easily the most overrated film in history. Beyond the fancy CGI and epic scale is a generic love story, with poor charisma between the lead characters. Now, I'm not gonna Leonardo bash, he's actually a great actor and it's a shame this shitty movie put him in lame "teen heartthrob" status....cause he's got talent (just watch "What's Eating Gilbert Grape"). But this film is typical James Cameron, as in it takes no risks and plays out with little to no surprises. I'm not saying he's a bad filmmaker, his kind of directing can have great results (Aliens, The Abyss, The Terminator) and not so great results (this film). I think he's better suited for action films than serious dramas, since he was basically the only person that could make a decent film starring the ridiculous "Ahnuld".
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