I tried to like it but....
1 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers

Let me start by saying I really really REALLY wanted to like this movie. I absolutely love the first one and though I am aware of the fact that sequels, in many, actually most, cases are bad I hoped against hope that this one would be the exception.

I was wrong. This wasn't good but not only that, it bordered on camp. Before I saw this I'd never have thought that Bridget Jones the sequel could be anything less then at least slightly above average, say a 6 or so. Not so. Everything that made the first a classic is gone here.

The movie seems to have one purpose and that's break up Bridget and Mark, have all these outrageous things happen to Bridget and then get the two of them back together. That's it. That's the movie. The first movie was a story. A wonderful, delightfully sweet tale of a single woman attempting to find her way in this world and her ultimate meeting of Mr. right. It is sweet, humorous, always interesting, well acted and ultimately delightful.

This movie The Edge of Reason is not a story. It's a series of forced, over the top events that almost turns the whole story of Bridget Jones into an unrealistic, bad soap opera like, fantasy. It's almost a parody of a lifetime movie. I didn't expect this to be of the original's caliber but I had no idea it would be like this.

The movie is so forced it is almost painful to watch. The things that happen to Bridget are not believable. The whole thing with her winding up in prison seemed almost a last minute add on and came out of nowhere, and actually it's really not the kind of thing to turn into a joke anyway. Even her almost getting back with Grant didn't ring true. And there wasn't much that was funny either. The story had no cohesiveness and not even much of a plot except to keep Zelwgger and Firth apart or squabbling.

All the music got on my nerves after awhile. That thing with Rebecca declaring her love didn't ring true. The split between Bridget and Mark in the first place didn't ring true. Nothing rung true. What was the point?

The first Bridget Jones was such a hit because it was GOOD. It was believable and entertaining and cohesive and just plain funny all at once. This was none of that. It wasn't a 1 or 2 but did come close to being turn off in midstream material several times. Ultimately the one main good thing it had going for it is they didn't change the cast though they seem to have changed everything else.

The performers were fine, great, no problem there. The ending was happy. Good, Bridget And Mark are likable, very likable, both individually and together so that's a good thing. But who'd have ever thought that the sequel to Bridget Jones could be IRRITATING? I loved the first one so much and really wanted to like this. Unfortunately that was not to be. Hopefully no part three unless by some miracle they can eliminate the problems that were so present in this one. 4 of 10 is my vote.
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