28 Days Later (2002)
Great, modern classic
4 April 2005
A complete first (successfully at least) for a "zombie"(these guys aren't dead though) movie- it's serious and it works incredibly well. The acting is fantastic, the camera work is menacing as hell and the the core theme is razor-sharp in delivery. Danny Boyle is a genius, he can go from making one of the best comedy/dramas ever (Trainspotting), to making the best ultra-serious Zombie film ever, and recently made a family film called millions which I hear is fantastic. This films final chapter is mind blowing, especially the scene in which Jim (possibly infected in the mind of Selena) savagely crushes that marine guy's skull. The music in that scene, coupled with the camera work and acting= one of the greatest moments in modern horror film history in my opinion.
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