Review of Taxi

Taxi (I) (1998)
14 March 2005
French movies almost always appeals to me. There is a playful attitude to film-making in France that make their movies enjoyable even when the plot is paper-thin and the premise far from fantastic.

The Taxi-driver Daniel dreams of becoming a race-driver. But in the meantime he plagues the streets of Marseilles with his severely customized Peugeot. When robberies are being made by criminals in high-speed cars, the police enlist the help of Daniel and his car.

The plot is, like i said, nothing new. But still this movie is an entertaining ride, filled with both good portions of comedy as well as car-chases. The actors mostly do their parts, even though i feel the acting leaves a bit more to wish for. Especially Samy Naceri in the lead is more annoying than fun. Bernard Farcy as the police captain is hilarious though.

I recommend this to people who like watching car-chases and fast-paced light comedy. It might not be revolutionary, but it's fun. I rate it 6/10.
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