I don't know how it could've been any worse
19 October 2004
I rented Jeepers Creepers not knowing what to expect. I hadn't heard anything good or bad, and went in with an open mind.

That being said, this was one of the worst modern movies I've EVER seen. Horrible. I absolutely hated it.

First, the main characters seem to be complete idiots. They always do the exact opposite of the logical thing to do. You'd be amazed at the incredibly stupid choices that they make one after the other.

Second, the main villain is a stupid big IL' demon-like thing. Not even believable.

And, the icing on the cake is the ending. I don't want to spoil the stupidity, but it seems like they wrote the stupid Jeepers Creepers song and thought they were real clever and then wrote the movie around the lyrics.

At no part was the movie really scary. Perhaps some may be scared (a little) near the beginning, but as the movie progresses it just gets worse and worse until you just laugh at how stupid it is.

A one word summary for the film is PATHETIC.
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