I Love Lucy (1951–1957)
What More Can One Possibly Say?
16 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Decades after the ultimate popularity of the series,what more is thereto say about "I Love Lucy" ?

This show was one of,if not the very first,well put together sitcoms in TV history. The show is the original blueprint for what most sitcoms in the future would later become. There's really no bad episodes of this show and that's due not just to Lucille Ball but to Desi,Vivian and William as well! The writing staff, profuction crew and directors.

It's the original sitcom that was first ssold into re-runs, that launched the idea of syndication for constant replay on local stations and then like on Nick At Nite, TV Land and more. Although some references on the show might make younger viewers scratch their heads,the comedy and stories are pretty timeless.

One of the best things about the Lucy character for me is not just her hilarious attempts at getting into Ricky's act but the way she,a woman of the 1950s, stands up for herself as a woman. I also like when the stories get sentimental when focusing on either their anniversary,the birth of the baby.

I especially like the scene in one of the Visiting Hollywood shows, where Lucy's been offered a studio contract and she's been guilt tripped by Rick & the Mertzes about the fact she'd have to stay in Hollywood while they went back home to New York.

Standng in the hotel room alone and imagining her career and then the sadder parts of being away from her family all come out in wonderful facial & body expression. Which demonstrated that she's not just a comedian,she was also an actress. (I hated that Lucy Ricardo gave up that once in a lifetime chance though.)

Lucille Ball is a comedic legend, she also in the film The Big Street, showed she truly could act and it was RKO studios loss that they felt she was too old to be a 'commodity' for them in the long run and ended her contract.

Lucille Ball and Desoi Arnaz got the last laugh though, notonly in bein the stars of their own series but being the first actors to actually 'own' a large percentage of their show and run their own Desilu production company.

Sad to think , behind all ofall of that success was a marriage that was falling apart. People truly thought they were just as happy as "Th Ricardos" back then. WHen the final wrap came (on the Lucy / Desi Comedy Hour) in March 1960 , everyone just left the set and no celebration.

Lucy filed for divorce from Desi the very next day.

One last little thing to note, on the lighter side, in the episodes where the Ricardos & Mertzes move to Connecticut, there is a Grandfather clock by the front door of Lucy & Ricky's home.

I've noticed that this clock never says any other time but 12! In one show Ricky comes home from work at what should be evening but,of course, the clock still says 12. I never noticed that until years later.

Oh well, a minor point in a great series. Forget those few who "just don't get it" , the majority rules in Love for Lucy. (End)
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