Excellent zombie film when it isn't compared to the original
15 April 2004
I went to see 'Dawn of the Dead' in the theaters even though the original masterpiece by George Romero is my favorite zombie movie of all time. I had to say I was more than pleased with the overall product, sure the plot flatlines when compared to Romero's satirical script from the original film, but this one delivers in all accounts. The gore is there, even though it isnt as hardcore as the original's but this film is rated R. The zombie action is there and it hits hard!!, also the characters had such a cool chemistry that I really cared for more than one of them.

I have to say that this is an excellent zombie film, and it works on every level. Of course, the title 'Dawn of the Dead' makes a lot of people compare it to the original film, I don't blame them at all. I just didn't care for the connection with the original masterpiece. Remake or not, this film delivered.
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