Review of Code 46

Code 46 (2003)
10 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It will be very difficult not to compare this to Blade Runner and when one does then this film does not come up to par. It is a haunting piece which left too many questions unanswered. Performances are great and direction superb, so why did this film leave me so cold and indifferent? CODE 46 is another film about a very bleak future supposedly just around the corner from our time space. (Why are films about the future always so bleak?) Authorities have managed to find a way to eradicate memories and it is this plot point that carries what could have been explosively emotional fireworks. Sadly there is no real spark between the two leads and by the time you figure out what this is about (manipulation of memory - among other themes) it's way past the comfort zone. (SPOILER NEXT)

And then the car accident. Too much guys. Honestly. I wanted to care but I couldn't. This film has been crafted by great professionals and talented artists all round, but the script falls somewhat short of a coherent narrative. Lots o shiny style covering a murky tale. The unnesessarily long dance sequence and first simulated love scene simply went on and on and on and.... There is a great moment when the picture cuts back and forth between a previously established dream sequence and the continuation of narrative. A brilliant sequence worthy of a talented film maker. The photography is stunning and deserves accolades. I really did not want to hear that comment on my way out of the theatre during the Toronto Film Festival, about how clever the director was to avoid seeing cars on the streets and highways which of course would have ruined the future theme, by insinuating that the characters travelled during early hours and therefore traffic was light. I wanted to tell him they could have easily used CGI...but tell me it ain't so Mr. Winterbottom!
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