welcome back Freddy - all is (almost) forgiven - at least for this above average sequel
16 August 2003
Horror films went through something of a decline with overly self-referential comedy, over-use of CGIs, and a determination to mark the rating certificate down to ensure a teenage audience. What resulted was a lack of shocks and real gore, reduced nakedness and predictable pulp. Freddy vs Jason goes some way to reversing that trend and even pays tribute to old horror classics where two super-evils battled it out. Don't expect a serious movie – don't go and see it if you are not up for gratuitous nakedness to get the adrenalin up just before the killer strikes, or prolonged flesh-gouging, or senseless violence, or snappy editing designed to get you jumping like there's electric shocks in the cinema seat. If you're ok with that – read on.

Freddy (Nightmare on Elm Street) has lost his power as no-one remembers him and consequently no-one dreams about him (his power over people is through their dreams). So the evil Powers that Be bring Jason (Friday the 13th super-slasher guy) back to life so he can work up a little fear in the neighbourhood. It works a treat, except Jason doesn't know when to stop and Freddy gets a little jealous. An interwoven plot draws some threads together and is substantial enough to maintain the interest necessary for suspension of disbelief. The final showdown is classic and well worth the wait. Not a major milestone, but a cut above most of the ‘Elm Street' and ‘Friday' sequels.
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