It kills "Behind The Music"
25 August 2002
I confess, I like the band. I like them a lot. With that in mind, it was hard for it to fail. What suprised me was the candidness? --of the members. In addition, it was "happening" as you saw it. Unlike the the VH1 gab-feasts from the likes of Poison members tearing up on camera about their struggle of being "accepted" by the music industry elite with 8 million plus albums sales under their belt.

Jeff Tweedy seems more than genuine when vomitting in a studio bathroom during the recording of "YFH".

So, don't stay at home this Sunday night watching Cher babble on about her "fight" to make it. Instead, drive to the small-out-of-the-way theater in your city that will probably end up showing this film, and enjoy it.
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