For those who never want to outgrow the chance of a Happy Ending
21 April 2004
Admittingly, when one reaches a certain age they are supposed to let go of the notions that life can actually be a fairy tale and that "happily ever after" can be more than just words in a book. But isn't there a little girl in every woman who still believes that she can win the heart of her Prince Charming? "Ella Enchanted" is a movie for all of those who still believe in the fantasy (even just a little bit!) and all of those who like to escape to an alternate reality where dreams really do come true. It is full of innocent love and obvious comedy with a few good musical numbers thrown in for good measure. The movie-goer is invited to put on their rose coloured glasses and view the world as it might be if we did indeed live between the pages of a book. What would our taxis look like, or our malls? And how could you marry the notion of being a strong-willed, independent woman with being a soft-hearted, sweet girl who's falling in love? Anne Hathaway continues to elude a screen presence full of spunk and charm. Hugh Dancy is suitably rugged and handsome (in a teenage girl's dream kind of way). And it is a real treat to see Cary Elwes as the cartoon villian, oozing charisma and character, the complete opposite (although just as charming and handsome!!) as his heroic turn in "The Princess Bride". All in all, any fan of the romantic genre or the fairy tale comedy (yes, indeed the elements of "Shrek" are palpable!) will love to carried away and certainly this movie "won't go breakin' your heart."
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