Review of The Eye

The Eye (2002)
Great 2nd Act.
29 July 2003
See this before Tom Cruise's company turns it into Hollywood schlock. The Eye is the latest of the Asian films to be bought up by the power brokers in Tinsel Town and like The Ring will probably be better in its original language.

The Eye tells the story of a young, blind woman who receives the eyes of another to regain her sight. In the beginning all she sees is the out-of-focus shadows of people who may or may not actually be there. Once the film moves into its middle third, it reaches its peak. The Pang brothers do a marvelous job of bringing right you into the film and making you feel what it would be like to be about to see the spirits of the dead.

There are a lot of parallels to The Sixth Sense, but with more of a Taoist spiritual aspect; however, even the Taoism is keep to a minimum as if the filmmakers are embarrassed by the beliefs in the script. This not only leaves the film a bit unsatisfying, but also leaves a couple of unresolved issues in the film.

Beyond that though The Eye is a well-acted ghost story with a couple of scares in it. If only the feeling of the film's second act could have been expanded into the third, then it would have been a great ghost story.
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