Summer movies need more action than mindless blabbering!
27 June 2003
This summer flick gives the viewers a taste of block-buster action and delivers it successfully. I'm sure it'll be a huge hit at the box office since people want excitement, unlike Matrix Reloaded or The Hulk, huge disappointments showcasing only 30 minutes of action and 2 hours of boring chit chat. Most don't want a summer thinking flick, (that's what books are for), instead viewers want to be blown away nonstop(Leave that up to Terminator 3). But Charlie's Angels without a doubt comes at you just like the title reads, a full throttle adrenaline rush that'll keep your eyes glued to the screen wanting more. I enjoyed this movie a whole lot. A fun movie for all, though some scenes may seem inappropriate for young ones. *** out of ****.
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