I know I love you because I hurt when you're not around so to assure myself of that I stay away even though I love you which is why I hurt all the time....etc.
21 August 2003
"All The Real Girls" is a kind of contempo hillbilly love story which looks too long and too hard at one not very bright young adult couple as they stumble and bumble through the vicissitudes of love in bloom. On the up side, the film offers beautiful cinematography and solid performances by some fresh faces. On the down side, the film plumbs the depths of a couple of characters with little depth to plumb making for a watch which eventually grows tiresome. At this writing, IMDB.com stats show this film to be a guy flick with little appreciation by more mature audiences. The glowing critical reviews and the paltry 4.9 from the top 1000 viewers show what a mixed bag this flick is. Best saved for broadcast. (B-)
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