Review of Signs

Signs (2002)
Great the 1st time, a little less great the 2nd time.
23 August 2003
This is the type of movie that makes me wish there was a way to get inside your head and erase whatever you want.

Signs was one of the greatest "edge of your seat" movies i've seen in a long time. Just like in "The Sixth Sense" when everything came together at the end, I was completely blown away. (i'm not like most people who over analyze a movie while i'm seeing it for the first time just to prove to themselves how smart they are. I just let it roll and take me where ever it wants)

When the movie ended, it was like I was on a drug. I was all excited and talkative like a child. "I can't believe I didn't notice that!" and "That was great how this and that went together!"

However, once I knew the secrets of the movie, the second time I saw it, it had lost some of the magic. It was still a good movie, but didn't seem as fun the second time around.

If someone could create a way for people to forget movies so that everytime you went to see it, it was like the first time, movies like "Signs" and "The Sixth Sense" would be so much more enjoyable.

A great movie, but don't let anybody tell you about it. Plug your ears and run until you've seen it for yourself.
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