Just relax and enjoy it!!
9 December 2003
Have to feel bad for those of you who didn't like this movie. Is it a great "thinker"?? Nah; doesn't try to be. Just a good, sit down with the big bucket of popcorn, and have at it kind of flic. Good looking people, funny as hell, enough great quotes to fill a notebook... I like a movie that doesn't try to be anything more that it is, and this one you just take at face value. If you like to pick at things, you'll find a lot here, but me?? I just want to be entertained for a while, and in this I was; totally!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do have to say one other thing, tho, just *have* to:-) As a lover of old monster movies, and imho, this was a great homage to such, the only - only thing that annoyed me was that when they showed clips of "Them" on the son's tv, one of my favorite movies of all time, they showed the scenes out of order. But, I can live with it!!
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