Review of The One

The One (2001)
Just sit back and enjoy the action
23 March 2002
For a movie filled with spectacular special-effects, some cliched moments as well as a plot with more holes than a moon's surface, The One manages to be vastly entertaining. For starters, Jet Li is a great martial artist and his english is much, MUCH better than Jackie Chan's (don't even get me started on that awful movie called Rush Hour 2). On occasion, he even managed to deliver some of his lines fluently without any hindrance ... very impressive. Because his character possess inhuman strength and speed, the fight scenes are being done with slow-motion effects. Yeah its nothing new but a real crowd pleaser nonetheless.

Okay, so a lot about this movie just doesn't quite add up together. For instance, if Gabe gets stronger by the death of his own mirror selves, wouldn't everyone be just as strong as him too? I mean, everybody must die sometimes - even of old age! Yet I chose to sat there in the theatre, devoid of any constructive criticisms that I usually reserve for more "serious" movies and found myself cheering and having a lot of fun. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. So even if the plot is practically non-existent, this movie will definitely brighten up your day.
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