Review of L.I.N.X.

L.I.N.X. (2000)
A throwback to the suspense genre!!!
10 February 2003
This is one of those films that sticks with you a day or two after you see it. I saw it on TV while on holiday and two days later found myself telling a complete stranger on my plane home about this remarkable film. There are no recognizable faces in this picture for me but that was what I found charming. I was able to be completely captivated by this twisting adventure that begins at midnight when a time-altering alien artifact crash lands in a small town and by the turn of dawn, heros and villains have clashed and good triumphs over evil. Although not flawless, the effects were interesting and the props were classic retro sci-fi via 1950's. Whether this was due to budget or the director's own vision or both, it definitely worked and added to the quirkiness of a film that strongly resembled the b**tard child of "The Evil Dead" and "E.T." with a Hitchcock flare. You either "get" this film or you don't. I did and I enjoyed the ride in the process!
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