8 October 2002
Shame about this movie. Good cast, and decent acting, but it's a see-through plot that feels completely forced. Too many scenes are "Hollywoodized," where the characters stumble into coincidences that simply just would not happen. And several holes in logic are required to make this movie run. Samuel Jackson's character goes into a loan office/bank and picks up a computer monitor in one scene, throwing it into the window of the office. Not only is he then allowed to leave the office without being stopped by the security guard/police, but they never seem to look for him either. Which is not to mention the assault he puts on two white guys at a bar earlier in the movie, again not getting pursued at all.

The movie is too simplistic, trying to comment on a situational phenomenon while forcing its way through a plot that would be interesting if it seemed less contrived. The plot hinges on too many forced and improbable coincidences.
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