Fascinating documentary
30 September 2002
Tom Savini, John Landis, George Romero, John Carpenter, Wes Craven. Tobe Hooper and David Cronenberg talk about their horror films (and others) and explain what they mean and where their ideas came from. Film shows how the times they grew up in (lates 60s, early 70s) influenced them greatly. The film includes very graphic images from the Vietnam war, Kent State, race riots, assassinations--you can see why these filmmakers make such gory, violent films! As a horror fan, I loved this documentary. It also gave me some insight into two horror films I hate-- "Last House on the Left" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". I still despise them but I understand where the films came from. A rare chance to see all these directors talking about the films. A must-see for anyone interested in movies.
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